Emmanouil Anagnostou
CIRCA Director of Applied Research, Professor
Connecticut Institute for Resilience and Climate Adaptation | Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering
Expertise: prediction of hydro-meteorological extremes, sustainable water resources, precipitation and floods, remote sensing
Dr. Emmanouil Anagnostou is a Professor of Civil and Environmental Engineering. Since 2010 he holds the Northeast Utilities Foundation Endowed Chair in Environmental Engineering. He holds Ph.D. and MSc degrees in Hydrometeorology from the University of Iowa (1997 and 1995, respectively) and a diploma in Civil and Environmental Engineering from the National Technical University of Athens (1990).
His research expertise is on remote sensing applications in water resources with focus on the improvement of predictability of hydro-meteorological extremes and the development of sustainable water resources. His standing in the scientific community reflects international recognition. He participates in several networks of scientists that are planning the Global Precipitation Measurement mission and international research projects on precipitation and floods including EUMETSAT’s (European operational meteorological satellite program) advisory board, the international committee on Earth Observation Satellites and the Hydrologic Mediterranean Experiment (HyMxE).
He has been recognized with several prestigious medals and awards, including: the Plinius Medal (in 2002) from the European Geophysical Union; the Marie Curie Excellence Award (in 2005) by the European Commission; the NSF CAREER Award (2002) and the NASA New Investigator Award (1999). He has also been awarded the Outstanding Junior Faculty (2003) and the United Technologies Professorship of Engineering Innovation (2008) awards by the School of Engineering at UCONN, inducted in the Connecticut Academy of Science and Engineering (2010), and awarded the Excellence in Research (2011) by the UCONN Alumni Association.
He has supervised 22 graduate students (12 Ph.D.) through completion and mentored 6 Postdoctoral Scholars. His work has been published in 130 journal articles, 7 book chapters, and a number of conference proceedings. He is the PI of several research grants funded by research agencies and the industry.

manos@engr.uconn.edu | |
Phone | (860) 486-6806 |