Nicole Govert
Community Resilience Planner
Connecticut Institute for Resilience and Climate Adaptation
As a Community Resilience Planner for CIRCA, Nicole Govert, provides support to the Resilient Connecticut project through GIS mapping and stakeholder engagement. Prior to joining CIRCA, Nicole was at Sustainable CT where she worked with towns across Connecticut on sustainability actions. She has also worked with CT Sea Grant to create educational materials about the threats to and research being done in Long Island Sound. Nicole received her MS in Environmental Science from the University of New Haven. While at New Haven, she worked with the Long Island Sound Mapping and Research Collaborative (LISMaRC) where she used ArcGIS to map the benthic communities of the Phase II study area of the LISMaRC project. Her graduate thesis expanded on this work where she used GIS spatial techniques to analyze benthic populations of infauna in Long Island Sound.