Hartford’s Green Infrastructure Project

New Tools for Stormwater Management

Hartford has been experiencing multiple challenges related to stormwater management.  With large quantities of impervious surface, high levels of clay, and a failing levee system that protects the Connecticut River from rising, the city’s ground cannot absorb stormwater, which exacerbates the amount of runoff and flooding.  After receiving a grant through CIRCA’s Municipal Resilience Grant Program, Hartford hired a Green Infrastructure Specialist for 12 months to address stormwater issues and help implement their sustainability and Climate Stewardship Initiative.

This CIRCA funded work allowed Hartford to develop a Green Infrastructure Handbook and a Retain the Rain flyer that can be used by other communities tackling similar issues throughout the state. The handbook focuses on best management practices in Hartford such as rainwater harvesting, designing tree boxes, using permeable pavement, and creating rain gardens and urban tree canopies.  For more about the Green Infrastructure specialist’s work, see the project page.  And for links to important products coming from this work, see the following links:

Green Infrastructure Handbook

Retain the Rain Flyer

With these products, Hartford city staff hope to inspire its residents to build a more sustainable and resilient future.

More information on other CIRCA projects and products