Point 15631

Western End

Latitude: 40.991
Longitude: -73.582
Depth: 13.136 m

Location of 15631

Return Period Point 15631


Storm Date % U max [m s^-1] %U mean [m s^-1] % U dir max % U dir mean % z(t) max [m]  % sigH maz [m] % Tpeak max [s]
Gloria Sept. 20, 1985 41.346 6.577 229.598 170.59 1.955 6.377 8.068
Sandy Oct. 25, 2012 17.54 5.308 103.173 90.077 1.945 2.232 5.611
NorEaster Oct. 30, 2012 32.29 10.942 58.109 90.495 1.823 1.15 4.68
1985 month 9 13.375 5.356 70 152.73 1.636 1.121 4.68
2005 month 9 8.554 5.914 77.504 197.894 1.719 0.62 3.564
2007 month 4 17.722 7.655 105.338 215.371 1.93 0.893 4.274
2008 month 8 19.407 7.427 137.405 221.685 1.613 1.158 4.274
2009 month 8 8.57 4.541 211.755 196.2 1.821 0.408 2.479
2010 month 9 12.843 5.9 18.142 219.621 1.888 0.287 2.264
2011 month 8 20.199 8.24 86.112 172.657 1.908 1.823 5.611
2011 month 10 18.237 6.976 23.193 186.952 1.731 0.845 5.125
2012 month 10 17.54 5.308 103.173 90.077 1.776 2.038 5.611
2013 month 2 17.985 11.51 64.626 204.14 1.626 1.052 4.68
2015 month 1 14.052 6.388 2.529 238.879 1.797 1.017 4.68
2016 month 1 19.136 11.324 58.331 117.251 0.598 1.112 5.125


Attribute Descriptions

% U max [m s^-1] maximum wind speed at that point
%U mean [m s^-1] mean wind speed (average over time)
% U dir max maximum wind direction
% U dir mean mean wind direction
% z(t) max [m] maximum sea-surface displacement … storm surge + tides
% sigH max [m] maximum significant wave height
% Tpeak max [s] maximum dominant wave period