CIRCA is pleased to announce our 2022 Municipal Resilience Grant Program (MRGP) awards to the following five communities. These projects will be completed in spring 2023:

Town of Fairfield: Benefit Cost Analysis for Climate Resilience
Town-wide flood planning in Fairfield has identified coastal areas in need of Benefit Cost Analysis (BCA) to implement resilience projects. CIRCA's funding to complete BCAs for 2-3 shoreline segments will help the town apply for state and federal grants.

Housatonic Valley Association: Advancing Priority Culvert Right-Sizing Projects in the Naugatuck River Watershed
This project advances HVA's assessment of barriers at road-stream crossings by funding surveys, design development, and permitting for "shovel-ready" priority projects. Ultimately, the goal is to reduce flood risk and restore stream habitat connectivity in a comprehensive way across the watershed.

Old Saybrook: Back River Living Shoreline Design
A potential living shoreline project site is located west of a Rte. 154 bridge in Old Saybrook. CIRCA is funding supplemental field surveys, conceptual design, and pre-application meetings for this pilot project with the goal of determining how a living shoreline can be used for marsh channel stabilization.

Southeastern Connecticut COG: Stormwater Authority Pilot Project
The Southeastern Connecticut Council of Governments (COG) is starting a pilot program to help municipalities take steps to implement stormwater authorities. With CIRCA funding, they will engage directly with four communities interested in this resilience financing strategy by helping with outreach and feasibility studies.

Stonington: Holmes Street Resilient Seawall Design
Degradation of the seawall adjacent to Holmes Street in Stonington is being exacerbated by the increase in storm surge and sea level rise. This is a problem that many towns in the state are experiencing and results of this grant project will be transferable to other communities tackling similar climate challenges.