NOAA CRrest Grant: Enhancing Coastal Resilience in Connecticut

CIRCA partners, the University of Connecticut and the Connecticut Department of Energy and Environmental Protection, met with the National Atmospheric and Oceanic Administration(NOAA) staff this May to outline a recently awarded 2-year grant: “Enhancing Coastal Resilience in Connecticut.” Funded through the Sandy Supplemental monies distributed by the federal government (from the FY 2013 Disaster Relief […]

Connecticut Shoreline Resiliency Fund

{By Juliana Barrett, UConn Sea Grant & CLEAR} On the one year anniversary of SuperStorm Sandy, Governor Malloy announced the creation of the Connecticut Shoreline Resiliency Fund. This fund is for state residents whose homes or businesses are subject to flooding allowing them to obtain low interest loans to elevate homes and flood proof businesses. […]

CIRCA Announcement in UConn Today

The creation of an Institute for Community Resiliency and Climate Adaptation was announced today at UConn’s Avery Point Campus in Groton. The Institute is a collaboration between the University, the state Department of Energy and Environmental Protection (DEEP), and the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA). READ MORE