Project Summary
The Connecticut Metropolitan Council of Governments (MetroCOG), in partnership with the City of Bridgeport and The Nature Conservancy (TNC) is developing preliminary, semi-final and final design plans for a living shoreline project at Bridgeport’s West Johnson Creek. This project will advance design concepts from the existing National Fish and Wildlife Foundation (NFWF) funded Regional Framework for Coastal Resilience in Southern Connecticut, which supported the development of conceptual designs for coastal resiliency/living shoreline projects identified as “high priority” by local stakeholders. CIRCA funding for construction-ready plans will position the Bridgeport project for future implementation. This Municipal Resilience Grant award was for the amount of $75,000.
MetroCOG-CIRCA Johnsons Creek Final Report
Project Description
Johnson’s Creek is located in Bridgeport’s East End, a distressed area that has suffered from disinvestment and past environmental degradation. Due to the area’s relatively low elevation, it is continually vulnerable to flooding. The NFWF funded conceptual design will reduce the slope to allow vegetative stabilization and support potential wetland migration. Other ecological benefits include the removal of debris and invasive species and the creation of habitat for marsh species. The design is also consistent with CIRCA’s “Enhancing Coastal Resiliency in Connecticut” site suitability model.
Major phases for “Designing Resilience: Living Shorelines for Bridgeport” include preliminary, semi-final, and final design. The preliminary design phase includes the review of conceptual designs, surveying activities, a basemap of existing conditions and a preliminary cost estimate and list of permits. The semi-final design phase will refine the deliverables from the preliminary design phase and produce detailed hydrologic, hydraulic and/or coastal models. Construction drawings, technical specifications and final cost estimates will be products through the final design phase. Ultimately, the goal for Johnson’s Creek is to create a passive recreational trail along the water for public use and restoration.
Project Lead
Matt Fulda – Acting Executive Director, MetroCOG

MetroCOG West Johnson Creek

MetroCOG Project Area Map
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