Municipal Stormwater Utility Feasibility Study
Project Summary
The Southeastern Connecticut Council of Governments (SCCOG) secured a Municipal Resilience Grant from the Connecticut Institute for Resilience and Climate Adaptation (CIRCA) to conduct a municipal stormwater authority feasibility study. Four SCCOG member municipalities, Ledyard, Preston, Stonington, and Waterford participated in the study due to interest in possibly forming a stormwater authority. In conjunction with the SCCOG, CDM Smith has been contracted to study the feasibility of establishing municipal stormwater authorities for these four municipalities.
Municipal Stormwater Utility Feasibility Study
January 20, 2023
Project Description
Provided herein is documentation of the tasks completed by CDM Smith in the stormwater authority feasibility study. This report was prepared using data from several sources including municipal staff interviews, municipal and UConn GIS databases, annual budgets, and Annual MS4 Reports. This report includes an evaluation of each municipality’s stormwater programs with respect to regulatory compliance, operations and maintenance (O&M), stormwater capital improvements program (CIP), and program management; assessment of parcel data for each municipality which was used as the basis for a user fee assessment; and development of 10-year funding projections for each of the four municipalities. The report also includes a summary of key findings and preliminary methods for implementation of a stormwater authority should each municipality wish to move forward with the suggested option.
Project Team

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