Project Description
Project Partners including Sacred Heart University, UCONN, and CIRCA are working on a living shoreline project at Stratford Point, Fairfield County, Connecticut. The Living Shoreline consists of an artificial reef, smooth cordgrass (Spartina alterniflora) marsh, high marsh, coastal dune and upland woody/grassland mosaics. In total, the project will provide an additional 750 feet of coastal erosion control, 4.5 acres of intertidal habitat, 1.5 acres of coastal dune habitat and 25 acres of woodland/meadow mix. Subsequent monitoring will provide additional understanding regarding the potential effectiveness of living shorelines as a means to increase coastal resilience and will inform future designs/guidelines for Connecticut and coastal communities in New England.
Mattei Stratford Point CIRCA Poster
The Stratford Point Living Shoreline Project Report:
Stratford Point Living Shoreline Case Study: Coming Early 2019
Project Partners
Jennifer Mattei, Sacred Heart University Department of Biology
James O’Donnell, UConn CIRCA and Department of Marine Sciences
Kimberly Bradley, UConn CIRCA
U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Connecticut In-Lieu Fee Program
CIRCA Matching Funds
NOAA 2017 Coastal Resilience Grant

Reef Balls
Topic Areas
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